Cortes Expedition Personnel

Below I have listed all the names of those mentioned in the texts, who joined Cortes. Gomara reports that just before departing Cuba for Mexico Cortés had 550 Spaniards, plus another 50 sailors, 200 Cuban islander porters, several Negroes, a few Indian women and 16 horses. In a letter to the Spanish men living with the Indians, Cortés says “550 Spaniards.”
Diaz records a count of men at Cozumel: 508 men, not counting ships pilots and captains and sailors which counted 100. 16 horses. 11 ships, 13 musketeers, 32 crossbowmen, 10 brass guns, 4 falconets, unknown number of crossbowmen (Diaz p. 58-59).
Sometimes writers mentioned when men participated in previous expeditions, in these cases I’ve noted CORD and GRIJ, which indicates expeditions these men had been on previously. Many were career mercenaries, sailors and merchants and signed up for multiple expeditions, including Bernal Diaz, who was on all three. Most points have a citation.
Organized by First or Only name, then last. Also listed are anonymous groups of people mentioned in various narratives. See My Sources for citations.
*Denotes people mentioned for the first time after Narvaez’s men joined Cortes and could be someone who joined at that point.
Miscellaneous Groups
2 Italians* – Apparently healers. They helped cure some people, including Aguilar (Aguilar Entry Six).
15 sailors – Sent back to Spain with first gold.
15 Crossbowmen & Musketmen – sent to explore inland Yucatan, not clear if 30 or 15 mixed units (Diaz 72).
200 Islanders from Cuba – bearers and servants (Gom p. 23, 55).
200 Soldiers marched to Mexico. Gomara says 150.
“Several Negroes” – (Gom, p. 23) Tadeo, Roberto (unconfirmed)
“Few Indian Women” – (Gom, p. 22)
“The Men of the Rock” – Sailors from Gibraltar who were Diego loyalists and plotted to steal a boat and leave for Cuba. They received 200 lashes each for their plot (Diaz 129). Seven of them were deemed guilty of stealing pork from Berrio & flogged by Cortés (Diaz p. 61).
“The Martyr” – Young Sevillian Man* – Was captured in Tenochtitlan and made to shoot at the SPanish. He shot weakly and hit no one. He was killed when the Mexica realized what he was doing (Dur 554)
“Woman Soldier” – Led a battle after the Fall of Tenochtitlan, earning lands (Dur 557).
Alonzo de Avila – GRIJ
- Was one of four captains on Grijalva expedition (Diaz 27).
- Joined Cortes in Trinidad.
- Funded one of the Cortes ships.
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Appointed Accountant of Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
- Described as “ill tempered” as captain of the Quiahuitzlan Expedition (Diaz 109).
- Given wife in Tlaxcala.
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245)
- Went to the Temple with Moctezuma, several captains and 150 soldiers to prevent sacrifices. Moctezuma sacrificed some men and boys anyway (Diaz 256)
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257)
- Oversaw minting of Aztec gold after Moctezuma agreed to hand it over (Diaz 272)
Alonso de Grado – (Diaz 251)
- Put in charge of Villa Rica by Cotes after Escalante was killed. He was also relieved of that duty and imprisoned briefly by Cortes. (Diaz 251)
- Was opposed to the march to Mexico and was a chief agitator (Diaz 251)
Alonso Hernandez Puertocarrero, Capt. – GRIJ
- Joined from Santispiritus, Cuba
- Cortés bought him a horse, a gray mare (Diaz p. 50) in Trinidad
- Funded one of the Cortes ships.
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Was given Malintzin as a wife after Battle of Cintla. (Diaz 83)
- Named alcayde of Vera Cruz.
- Was given a wife by Cuesco.
- Declared Proctor and sent back to Spain with first gold (Gom 88).
- Helped fit out the Grijalba expedition.
Alonso Penate – (Diego loyalist)
- Named by Cortés in letter 2 (Cortés p. 87) as one of four traitors who tried to steal ship.
Alonso Rodgriguez – Owned gold mines (in Cuba?). Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
Alonso Romero – Appointed Alguaciles (storekeep) of Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
Alonso Yañez – Carpenter (Diaz p. 62)
- Built altar and cross in Cozumel after knocking down idols.
- Built large wooden cross at Cintla (Diaz 81)
- Discovered secret chamber full of gold and treasue in Axacayatl’s palace (Diaz 241)
Alvaro Lopez – Carpenter (Diaz p. 62)
- Built altar and cross in Cozumel after knocking down idols.
- Built large wooden cross at Cintla (Diaz 81)
Andres de Tapia – Soldier
- First to spot Aguilar, the Spanish slave (Gom 31)(Diaz p. 63).
- Wrote his version of events in a book, too.
- Returned to Villa Rica with Aguilar, Valdelamar to check on Nauhtla incident (Aguilar Ch 5)
- Was sent up the Templo Mayor, which triggered the removal of the idols and a ton of tension (De Tapia).
- Apparently settled a dispute between Cholula and Tlaxcala, and returned in time to hear about Narvaez arriving (De Tapia)
- Later, described the skull rack to Gomara (Gom 167)

Andres Nuñez – Boat builder (Diaz 255)
- Looks to be kidnapped from Garay expedition (Diaz 133)
- Built the two sloops in Tenochtitlan for Moctezuma (Diaz 255)
- Sent to Villa Rica to build 3 ships to go back to Spain with Moctezuma (Diaz 279)
Angulo – Joined in Havana.
Anton de Alaminos – CORD, GRIJ
- Native of Palos, had sailed with Ponce de Leon, Francisco de Cordoba and Grijalva.
- Senior ship Pilot, sent back to Spain with first shipment of gold (Gom 88)(Diaz 126).
- Piloted one of two ships that went on 10-day mission up the coast where Montejo spotted Quiahuitzlan.
Anton del Rio – A messenger sent from Tenochtitlan by Cortes, but who saw the Mexica taking down bridges and deepening canals (Aguilar 7th Entry).
*Antonio de Quiñones – Commanded the lead column on Noche Triste (Gom 220)
Antonio de Villaroel – Standard bearer
Arbenga – A Levantine gunner (Diaz p. 55)
- Ordered to clean the guns and check ammo before battles of Potonchan/Cintla (Diaz 59)
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257)
Baena – Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
Barrientos – (Diaz 269) Soldier
- Went with Pizarro to the mines in Tuxtepec. He was left tere to farm cocoa and cotton (Diaz 269)
Bartolome de Usagre – (Diaz p. 55)
- Ordered to clean the guns and check ammo before battles of Potonchan/Cintla (Diaz 59)
Bartolome de Olmedo – Mercedarian? Friar
- Got letter from his friar brother who tipped off Cortés about Velzquez plan.
- Held mass in Cempoala after toppling idols, baptized 8 girls (Diaz 128)
- In Xico, he discouraged Cortés from pushing Faith too hard or too early.
- If he’s “Mercedarian” Fryar he again advocated in Cholula that it was too early to push Faith.
- In Tlaxcala, he agin advocates after a big speech that Cortes should not push too hard yet (Diaz 176).
- Standing on top of Tlatelolco Pyramid he again advised Cortes it was too early to persuade Moctezuma to allow them to build a church on top (Diaz 235)
- Went to the Temple with Moctezuma, several captains and 150 soldiers to prevent sacrifices. Moctezuma sacrificed some men and boys anyway (Diaz 256)
- Was sent to the coast to present Narvaez with a letter (Cort 121). Just beyond Cholula Cortes ran into him on his way to the coast, he had a letter from Narvaez.
Bartolome Garcia –
- Joined in Trinidad.
- miner, sold his co-owned horse El Arriero, to Cortés.
Bernal Diaz – CORD, GRIJ
- Author of True History of the Conquest of New Spain
- Marched overland to Havana
- Was selected to go visit Moctezuma on Day 2 in Tenichtitlan (Diz p 221)
- Was part of group who convinced Cortes to seize Moctezuma (Diaz 243)
- Was given a girl and gold by Moctezuma (Diaz 254)
- Went to Cempoala to fight Narvaez, but says little about the fight itself (Diaz 283).
Bernardino Vazquez de Tapia – (GRIJ)
- Wrote his own account of the conquest.
- Came to Cuba in 1513 (Bernadino)
- Says he’s a horseman (Bernardino)
- Sent to Tenochtitlan as a messenger but was turned around due to either illness or Mocezuma’s orders (Diaz p. 186).
- Stayed in Tenochtitlan when Cortes went after Narvaez. Says they were brutally attacked (Bernardino)
Bernardino de Coria – (Diego loyalist)
- Was part of plot to steal boat and sail to Cuba, but he flipped and told all to Cortés (Diaz 129).
Berrio – Soldier. Was victim of pork theft by “Men of the Rock” who were flogged after.
Botello (Diaz 297), Botello Puerto de Plata –
- Came to tell Cortes that Pedro de Alvarado was in trouble in Mexico (Aguilar Chapter 6)
- Diaz says Botello is a sorcerer or seer, he prophesied that they must get out that night (Noche Triste) or all die (Diaz 297).
- Thoan Cano is asked about him and his penchant for prediction, Cano says he knows of him but the plan was cooked.
Camacho – Pilot of Bernal Diaz’s boat (Diaz p. 57).
Castaneda – Led an attack during the second siege of Tenochtitlan
Cervantes – (Diaz 269) Jester
- Went with Pizarro to the mines in Tuxtepec. He was left tere to farm cocoa and cotton (Diaz 269)
Corral – Ensign (Diaz, p. 141)v
- Chosen as standard bearer in Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
Cristobal de Guzman – Cortés steward
- Took Cuahtemoc prisoner (Diaz p. 55)
- Brought the treasure out on Noche Triste for soldiers to carry (Diaz 298).
Cristobal de Olid, “ the Valiant” Capt.
- Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Sailed a caravel to Yucatan looking for Grijalba, but he failed and returned (Gom 18).
- Appointed Quartermaster of Verta Cruz under Cortés (Diaz 102).
- His horse was killed in battle against Otomies/Tlaxcallans (Aguilar Ch3)
- Given wife in Tlaxcala (Diaz 178).
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257).
- Fought bravely at Battle of Otumba (Diaz 304).
De Mora – From Ciudad Rodrigo. Took poultry in front of Cortés and was punished in Xico.
Diego de Godoy – Royal Notary
Diego de Ordaz, Capt. – GRIJ, (Diego loyalist)
- Sent by Velazquez to keep an eye on Cortés.
- Also talked mayor of Trinidad into silence on behalf of Cortés (Diaz p. 52)
- Took caravel from Trinidad to intercept Sedeno ship (Gom p 22)
- One of the plotters who tried to steal caravel (Aguilar Ch 3).
- Tried to trap Cortés and take him to Santiago to Velazquez. Cortés smelled it out.
- Sent to Cape Catoche to wait for Spaniards living in Mexico, after Cortés sent letter.
- Funded one of the Cortes ships.
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Battle of Cintla – Appointed command of infantry and ranged units.
- Arrested after founding of Vera Cruz.
- One of the plotters who tried to steal caravel, was sentenced to hang but did not (Aguilar Ch 3).
- Climbed Popocatepetl.
- Was selected to go visit Moctezuma on Day 2 in Tenichtitlan (Diz p 221)
- Confronted Cortes about seizing Moctezuma, along with other captains (Diaz 243)
- Volunteered to investigate Coatzicoalco River (Diaz 266). He marched and came across the Mexican garrison where he reprimanded the captains for robbing and taking women from locals. He marched on to Coazacoalcos. Came upon a chief named Tochel (Diaz 267).
- Led a group of 400 soldiers out of the palace fort in Tenochtitlan, but was immediately attacked and wounded (Diaz 288).
- Chosen to lead the fighting men on Noche Triste (Diaz 297).
Diego de Pineda(o) – Joined in Trinidad.
Diego de Soto of Toro – Joined in Havana.
Escalona (Younger) – (Diaz 269) Soldier
- Went with Pizarro to the mines in Tuxtepec. He was left tere to farm cocoa and cotton (Diaz 269)
Escobar “the Page” – Capt. – (Diego Loyalist)
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Was sent to explore “Boca de Terminos” near Campeche (Diaz p. 67).
- Found the greyhound left by Grijalva.
- Arrested after founding of Vera Cruz (Diaz 105)
Francisco – Native translator captured on Grijalva Exp (Diaz 82)
- Did not speak Tabascan, but caught “Culua” (Diaz 82)
- Is this the second one Julian named with Melchior?
Francisco de Aguilar –
- Wrote his own account: A short account of the conquest of New Spain
- Sent to ask Moctezuma to grant a tour of Tlatelolco to Cortes (Diaz 231)
- Went back to Villa Rica to get Nauhtla chief, with De Tapia and Valdelamar (Aguilar Ch 5).
- Went to Cempoala with Cortes to fight Narvaez (Aguilar Ch 6).
- Was in charge of watching Moctezuma for awhile (Aguilar Ch 6).
Francisco Fernandez – Royal Notary (Gom 66)
Fracisco de Lugo – Captain, owner of a greyhound.
- Went ashore at Campeche (Diaz p. 66)
- Was told about the secret treasure in Axacayatl’s palace, and went to Cortes (Diaz 243)
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245)
- Went to the Temple with Moctezuma, several captains and 150 soldiers to prevent sacrifices. Moctezuma sacrificed some men and boys anyway (Diaz 256)
- Noche Triste: Ordered to lead a battalion of 50 of the best soldiers to react to enemy pushes (Diaz 297)
Francisco de Montejo, Capt. – GRIJ
- Was one of four captains on Grijalva expedition (Diaz 27).
- Joined in Havana.
- Funded one of the ships for Cortes expedition.
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Led 10-day mission from Ulua north where he spotted Quiahuitzlan from the ship. Declared proctor and sent back to Spain (Gom 88).
- Named alcayde of Vera Cruz, with Puertocarrero
- Fitted out the Grijalba expedition.
- Sent back to Spain on July 16, 1519 with first letters/treasures.
- Executed the conquest of Yucatan (Wiki)
Francisco de Morla – Ships Captain (Gom)
- On the crossing from Cuba his ship lost its rudder. Cortés came to their aid. He dove into the water with a rope tied around him and grabbed it (Gom p. 26)
- Is listed by Diaz as having been lost in Noche Triste (Diaz 301).
Francisco de Orozco – Appointed Capt of Artillery in Cozumel.
Francisco de Salceda, Saucedo (Diaz 297) – Capt.
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- Noche Triste: Ordered to lead a battalion of 50 of the best soldiers to react to enemy pushes (Diaz 297)
- Is listed by Diaz as having been lost in Noche Triste (Diaz 301).
Garcicaro – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Gines Nortes – Brought a small ship loaded with supplies.(Diaz p. 58)
Gonzalo Lopez de Jimena – Joined from Santispiritus, Cuba with his brother.
Gaspar Sanchez – Nephew of the treasurer of Cuba, joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
Gonzalo Dominguez
- Joined from Santispiritus, Cuba.
- Would go on to his own fame.
- Named a second captain (Aguilar Ch 3)
- Was put in charge of force at Cempoala as Cortés went to deal with Spanish ship (Diaz 132).
- Given wife in Tlaxcala (Diaz 178).
- Was selected to go visit Moctezuma on Day 2 in Tenichtitlan (Diz p 221)
- Confronted Cortes about seizing Moctezuma, along with other captains (Diaz 243)
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245)
- From outside Cempoala, Cortes sent him with 80 men to arrest any of Narvaez’s men attempting to act as officials (Cort 125)(Gom 203)
- Chosen to lead the fighting men on Noche Triste (Diaz 297).
- Fought bravely at Battle of Otumba (Diaz 304).
- Sent to Chalco to expel Mexica forces with Tlaxcalans between sieges (Ixtlil 292).
Gonzalo Mejia –
- Appointed treasurer in Vera Cruz (Diaz, p. 97)
- Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
- Oversaw the minting of the Aztec gold into weighed bars after Moctezuma handed it over.
Gonzalo de Sandoval – (Diego loyalist)
- Joined from Santispiritus, Cuba.
- Would go on to his own fame.
- Named a second captain (Aguilar Ch 3)
Gonzalo de Umbria (Ungria Cort p. 87) – Pilot, (Diego loyalist)
- Named by Cortés in letter 2 (Cortés 87, Aguilar Ch 3) as one of four traitors who tried to steal ship.
- Sentenced to having his feet cutoff by Cortés (Diaz 129) or whipped (Gom 89), for his part in plot to steal ships and head to Cuba.
- Diaz says he was dispatched to mine in Zacatula, given 40 days to make journey and return (Diaz 265)
- Returned from mining mission with 300 pesos gold. Brought two chieftains and more jewels (Diaz 267). Also brought intelligence as to the powerful relative of Moctezuma.
Gutierrez – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Guzman (Diaz), Hulano Guzman (Aguilar 8th) – Appointed butler in Havana, but died soon after (Diaz p. 55).
- Captured in second siege of Tenochtitlan (Aguilar 8th)
Heredia – Old Basque musketeer.
- Went with Pizarro to the mines in Tuxtepec. He was left tere to farm cocoa and cotton (Diaz 269)
Hernán Cortés – Captain, Governor
Born: 1485 (1482), Medellin, Spain
- Parents: Martin Cortés de Monroy and Dona Catalina Pizzaro Altamirano –
- Families known for piety and wholesomeness, money was not around much for nobility (Gomara).
- Physical Description:
- Persona: Diaz describes him as “diligent in all he did” – Gomara says in battles against Tlaxcala it was Cortes cheering and urging that encouraged his men forward.
Before heading to Mexico he became very flashy, adorning himself in finery and feathers and gold like a lord. - His positivity after horses collapsed early on way to Tzomantzinco. His men took it as a bad omen and he carried on anyway. At the end they had a successful raid and subjugated the people in the village. Upon returning to camp he said “Call not a day evil until it has passed”
- Diaz reports that Cortes often consulted with his men, like which route to take to Mexico and whether to stand up and fight in Cholula. (Diaz p. 195)
Hernando Alonso de Villanueva “El Manquillo” – Was wounded by Alonso de Avila for falling out of formation at Quia.
Jeronimo/Hernando (Aguilar) de Aguilar – Spanish slave of a Cacique who returned to Cortés at Cozumel.
- At Cozumel he told Cortés he was shipwrecked 8 years prior (1511)(Gom 31)(Agular Ch 3), sailing with 15 people from Darien (first settlement ever at Colombia) to Santo Domingo where he had legal business. Ship wrecked on shoals and 20 men got away in a boat, drifted and eventually landed in “Maya.” 7 died in boat, Valdivia and 4 others were sacrificed by chief. 8 others escaped and found sympathetic chief, but bound to serve (Gom 32).
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245)
- From Ecija (Gom 31).
Joan Paez – Capt (Salazar, Ch 2)
- Did something in Tlaxcala with his 80 men to piss Cortes off. Cortes was going to hang him, called him a coward unfit to lead. He seems to have been driven out of the camp (Sal Ch 2)
Juan Alvarez “El Manquillo” – CORD, GRIJ – Ships Pilot
Juan Benitez – Crossbowman
- put in charge of repairs and maintenance at Cozumel.
- Expert repairmen.
Juan de Caceres – Appointed steward in Havana.
Juan Catalan – Mentioned by Diaz p. 55
- Ordered to clean the guns and check ammo before battles of Potonchan/Cintla (Diaz 59)
Juan (Diego) Cermeño – (Diego loyalist) Pilot (Gom, Cort p. 87)
- Named by Cortés in letter 2 (Cortés p. 87) as one of four traitors who tried to steal ship.
- Sentenced to death for his part in the plot to steal boat and go to Cuba (Diaz 129). Diaz editors say he was not hanged, Gomara says it was carried out.
- Diaz again says he was hanged (Diaz 265)
- “Juan” in both Gomara (89), Diaz (129).
Juan Cedeño/Sedeño (Diaz 146) – (See also Cermeno? De Sedeno?)
- From Santispiritus
- Owned ship and was considered the richest of the expedition due to owning ship, horse and negro (Diaz 146)
- His chestnut mare gave birth on the ship to Mexico (Diaz p. 55)
- Seems to have owned a slave (Diaz p. 55, 146)
- Owner of horse killed under Moron (Diaz p. 146) May be Cermeno above?
Juan Diaz – Padre (Diego loyalist)
- Delivered mass on Easter in Ulua with Mexica present (Diaz p. 89)
- Was part of the scheme to go back to Cuba but escaped punishment as a man of the cloth (Diaz 129).
- Said mass in Tlaxcala (Diaz 175).
Juanes de Fuenterrabia – Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
Juan de Escalante, Capt.
- In departing Cozumel his ship began to sink (Diaz p. 63)
- Appointed High Constable in Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
- Cortés ordered Escalante to sink the ships and put him in charge of the settlement when he went to Mexico.
- Left in charge of Villa Rica (Aguilar Ch 3)
- Killed in Almeria possibly? (Diaz 244)
Juan de Guzman (See also Guzman) – Cortes’s chamberlain (Gom 219)
Juan Jaramillo – Married Malintzin after the conquest (Diaz 86).
- Commanded foot soldiers on Noche Triste (Gom 220)
Juan de Najera – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54), brother to Martinez del Fregenal.
Juan Perez de Artiaga – Settler at Puebla who spent time with Marina and Aguilar and gained the nickname “Malinche” like Cortes (Diaz 172)
Juan del Rio – Went to Cempoala with Cortes to fight Narvaez. Sent as messenger and held captive, forced to watch Narvaez’s men march around (Gom 202).
Juan Ruano – (Velazquez loyalist Diaz.. p. 48)
Juan de Salamanca – Fought bravely at Battle of Otumba (Diaz 304).
Juan de Sedeño – Passing ships captain intercepted at Trinidad. Joined the expedition.
Juan de Torres of Cordoba – Carpenter.
- Ordered to stay at the temple in Cempoala to ensure the new altar to Mary was kept clean with flowers (Diaz 124).
Juan Velazquez de Leon, Capt. – Diego loyalist
- Appointed Captain of 1 of 11 ships in Cuba.
- (Diego loyalist) Kin to Diego V.
- His ship was lost during a storm from Cozumel to Rio Grijalva. (Diaz p. 66)
- Arrested after founding of Vera Cruz.
- Given daughter of Mase Escasil in Tlaxcala, Dona Elvira (Diaz 178).
- Was selected to go visit Moctezuma on Day 2 in Tenichtitlan (Diz p 221)
- Was told about the secret treasure in Axacayatl’s palace, and went to Cortes (Diaz 243)
- Confronted Cortes about seizing Moctezuma, along with other captains (Diaz 243)
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245). After much discussion between Cortes and Moctezuma Velazquez interrupted “What is the use of all these words??”
- Went to the Temple with Moctezuma, several captains and 150 soldiers to prevent sacrifices. Moctezuma sacrificed some men and boys anyway (Diaz 256)
- Went to fight Narvaez, brought message to him and was held captive (Gom 202)
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257)
- Was sent with 150 men to Coatzacalco to found a city at the mouth of the river (Cort 119).
- Killed along the causeway on Noche Triste (Diaz 300).
Lezcano – A “good soldier” killed in Tenochtitlan (Diaz 288).
Lres “the good horseman” Lares “the good rider” (Diaz 301) – Horseman
- Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
- Is listed by Diaz as having been lost in Noche Triste (Diaz 301).
Luis de Zaragoza – Soldier. Shouted between ships when Escalante’s boat was sinking in Cozumel (Diaz p. 63)
Maria de Estrada – “The only Spanish woman in Mexico” – Diaz 302
- Wikipedia states she was married to Cortes’s soldier Pedro Farfan.
*Martin de Gamboa – Horse killed on route out of Tenochtitlan to Tlaxcala (Ixtlil 283).
Martin Lopez – Boat builder (Diaz 255)
- Built two sloops in Tenochtitlan for Moctezuma (Diaz 255).
- Built 13 sloops that helped lay siege later to Tenochtitlan (Diaz 255).
- Sent to Villa Rica to build 3 ships to go back to Spain with Moctezuma (Diaz 279)
Martin Ramos – Basque. (Diaz p. 59)(Not sure if separate person from Martin Ramos de Lares). Was asked with Diaz by Cortés about stories they heard of Spanish in Mexico.
Martin Ramos de Lares – (Diego loyalist, Diaz p. 48)
Matinez del Fregenal – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54), brother of Juan de Najera.
Mesa “The Gunner” (Mezsa Diaz p. 55) – artilleryman
- Ordered to clean the guns and check ammo before battles of Potonchan/Cintla
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257)
Miguel de Zaragoza – Stayed behind from Grijalva journey, came out when Cortes arrived. Was living with Totonacs (Thomas 212)
Ochoa (Basque) – Appointed Alguaciles (storekeep) of Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
Olea – A soldier who saved Cortes from warriors in 2nd Siege of Tenochtitlan (Aguilar 8th). Maybe not from original expedition.
Orteguilla – Cortes’s page (Diaz p 231)
- Is sent to ask Moctezuma for a tour of Tlatelolco (Diaz 131)
- Speaks Nahautl? And was requested by Moctezuma to have as an attendant during captivity (Diaz 250).
- He is used as a spy in service to Moctezuma (Diaz 250)
Ortiz the Musician –
- Joined in Trinidad.
- Sold his co-owned “El Arriero” horse to Cortés.
Pacheco – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Pedro de Alvarado, Capt. – GRIJ
- Was one of four captains on Grijalva expedition (Diaz 27).
- Returned from Grijalba expedition with word of gold, riches.
- Joined expedition in Trinidad with his brothers.
- In Cuba, led the men overland to Havana.
- Chosen as Commander of Expeditions in Vera Cruz (Diaz 102).
- Led 100 men inland from Vera Cruz (Diaz 104-05) visited villages where sacrifices were found
- Was put in charge of force at Cempoala after Cortés left to deal with Spanish arrivals (Diaz 132)..
- Given daughter of Xicotencatl in Tlaxcala, Dona Luisa (Diaz 178).
- Was sent to Tenochtitlan, but was turned back either due to illness or Moctezuma’s orders. Was described by Mexica to Moctezuma as handsome and given the name Tonatio, or son of the sun (Diaz 187).
- Horse – Sorrel Mare, well trained.
- Was selected to go visit Moctezuma on Day 2 in Tenichtitlan (Diz p 221)
- Confronted Cortes about seizing Moctezuma, along with other captains (Diaz 243)
- Went to seize Moctezuma in his quarters (Diaz 245)
- Went to the Temple with Moctezuma, several captains and 150 soldiers to prevent sacrifices. Moctezuma sacrificed some men and boys anyway (Diaz 256)
- Went on hunting trip with Moctezuma on two sloops, with 200 soldiers (Diaz 257)
- Brothers: Jorge de Alvarado, Gonzalo de Alvarado, Gomez de Alvarado, Juan de Alvarado

Pedro de Guzman “the Bowman” – Crossbowman, put in charge of crossbow repair with Juan B. in Cozumel (Diaz p. 59).
Pedro de Ircio –
- Appointed Captain of Vera Cruz when Cortés left for Mexico (Gom 91), left with 2 horses, 2 arquebuses.
- Sent a letter to Cortes of the attack, which killed nine Spanish (Gom 169)
Pedro/Juan Escudero – (Diego Loyalist)
- Named by Cortés in letter 2 (Cortés 87, Aguilar Ch. 3) as one of four traitors who tried to steal ship.
- Arrested after founding of Vera Cruz.
- Arrested and sentenced to death by Cortés for trying to sail to Cuba in stolen ship (Diaz 129, Aguilar Ch 3).
- Gomara and Aguilar say he was executed. Diaz also says this (Diaz 265)
Pedro Hernandez – Cortes’ secretary (Diaz 265)
- Was present when Moctezuma swore fealty to Spain (Diaz 265)
Pedro Lopez – Soldier (Diaz 253)
- A great crossbowman (Diaz 253)
- He snapped at having to guard Moctzuma “To hell with this dog” and he was flogged for it (Diaz 253)
Pedro de Moron – Horseman
- Was attacked, severely wounded and horse killed (Diaz, p. 145)
- Died of his wounds from Tlaxcala army (Diaz 146)
Pedro Sanchez Farfan – Joined in Trinidad (Diaz p. 50)
- Wikipedia states he is husband to the “female conquistador” Maria Estrada.
Pedro de la Vega – One of Velasquez’s messengers sent to Trinidad to stop Cortés. He joined the expedition there (Diaz p. 52)
Pedro Valenciano – (Diaz 274) Made cards for gambling.
Pedro Xuarez Gallinato de Porra – Sent to Jamaica right out of port to get supplies. He’s from Seville.
Pizarro – Capt (Diaz 265)
- Was sent to examine mines on North Coast (Diaz 265). Given four soldiers, four Mexican chiefs and 40 days. Was said to be 250 miles away. He returned with 1000+ pesos of gold dust (Diaz 268)
Rodrgio Rengel – Joined from Santispiritus, Cuba.
- Chosen as Chamberlain in Havana.
- Was in charge of Narvaez and his prisoners in Villa Rica (Diaz 283).
Rojas – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Rojas “the Rich” – Mentioned on Diaz p. 54.
Santa Clara – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Sebastian Rodriguez – Joined in Havana (Diaz p. 54)
Trujillo – Sailor (Diaz 253)
- Seems to have farted in front of Moctezuma, who took great offense. The next day Moctezuma gave him gold and asked him not to do it again. That night he did it again and was removed from duty (Diaz 253).
Valdelamar – Went back to Villa Rica to check on Nautla incident, with Aguilar and deTapia (Aguilar Ch 6).