My Sources

Below is a partial list of the texts I am using for this project.

History of the Indies of New Spain, by Diego Duran

Translated, annotated by Doris Heyden, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK 1994

The Broken Spears, The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico, by Miguel Leon-Portilla

Beacon Press, Boston, MA, 1990

The Conquest of New Spain, by Bernal Diaz

Translated by J. M. Cohen, Penguin Books, 1963

The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, Francisco Lopez de Gomara

Translated, edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson, University of California Press, 1966

We People Here: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico; Vol. 1, various writers

Translated, edited by James Lockhart, Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR – 1993

History of the Chichimeca Nation, by Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl

Edited and translated by Amber Brian, Bradley Benton, Peter B. Villella, Pablo Garcia Loaeza

University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 2019


The Anonymous Conquistador, Andres de Tapia, Francisco Bernardino de Tapia, Francisco Aguilar, Thoan Cano.