In Episode 9, Cortes returns to the Valley of Mexico, bringing with him nearly a thousand refreshed Spanish soldiers, and tens of thousands of Tlaxcalan warriors. A brutal siege would grind the Mexica down until their ability to resist was done. This would be the end of Mexica power and culture in the valley.
Part 1 – The March to Texcoco
Cortes returns to the Valley of Mexico, after recovering and resupplying in Tlaxcala, and is welcomed by a young prince.
Part 2 – The Players Are Set
With Cortes camped in Texcoco, backed by his Tlaxcala and Acolhua allies, and Cuauhtemoc and the remainder of the Mexica in Tenochtitlan – the sides were set for a brutal conflict.
Part 3 – Siege of Tenochtitlan
Using ground forces and a small navy, Cortes tightens his grip around the island of Tenochtitlan, squeezing the life out of the Mexica inside.
Part 4 – Mexica Abandon Tenochtitlan
With their forces depleted, their food gone, the Tenochca Mexica abandon Moctezuma’s Palace, the Sacred Precinct and the rest of Tenochtitlan and head north to shelter with their Mexica neighbors in Tlatelolco.
Part 5 – Cortes Gets Routed
Feeling eager to close out the siege, Cortes’ men charged into a fatal mess, nearly costing Cortes his life.
Part 6 – Amaxac
Now down to their final sliver of land, their final people, the Mexica huddle in a place called Amaxac.
Part 7 – The End of the Mexica
The remaining women, children and elderly were allowed to leave while the leadership is taken into Spanish custody, marking the end of Mexica power.
Part 8 – The Valley After the Mexica
Cortes immediately began work on a new colonial city, burying Tenochtitlan beneath.
Part 9 – Mexico Today
A brief discussion on my personal views of what Mexica is today, the legacy of the Mexica and other Indigenous people, and the concept of mestizo.
Episode 9 Credits
Written, researched, performed and produced by Jeremy Lipps.