In Episode 2 we learn about the origins of Hernan Cortés , how he ended up in the Americas and his first acts of genocide in the New World.
Part 1 – Extremadura, Home of Conquistadors
We explore the childhood of Cortés in the town of Medellin in the Spanish state of Exremadura, where some of the most famous conquistadors came from.
Part 2 – Life in the Indies
Cortes learned the trade of conquest on the islands of Hispaniola and Cuba. Part 2 explores his rise to power from teenaged sailor to captain.
Part 3 – Tabasco
Cortes first steps on the mainland were in Maya country. Here Cortés first gained a foothold.
Part 4 – Taking of Potonchan
Brutal battle in the Maya village of Potonchan set the bar for the level of savagery the Spanish were capable of.
Part 5 – Battle of Cintla
In the climactic battle between the Maya of Tabasco and Cortés’ Castillians, cavalry won the day in devastating fashion for the first ever deployment on the mainland Americas.
Episode 2 Breakdown – Accounts of the Battle of Cintla
Only Spanish accounts remain of the Battle of Cintla, where Cortés was the first to deploy horses in Mainland America. An archeological survey in late 1800s did reveal pottery, foundations and other evidence of habitation. Below are my short-hand notes from the texts.
- Gomara – Squadrons of 8000 men each were forming (Gom 45). Cortés took cavalry to higher ground around left flank, foot soldiers came in on the right, taking arrows. Managed to kill a few Maya with artilery/ranged. Got out of the rows to flatter ground where they used artillery better. As the foot unit was cornered and facing a jam, the cavalry arrived with Cortés who turned the battle against the Maya who fled. Also they thought St James fought in the battle with them. (Gom 46)
- Diaz – Cortés took roundabout path due to swamp an foot sldiers fell under attack by Maya forces marching to their camp. So many men and arrows that 70 Spaniads were hit and wounded. Another killed in hand to hand. Somewhat penned in, the artillery did good damage. Diaz and Ordaz argued about charging, ultimately holding their ground. Finally Cortés arrived from behind and finally the Maya fled. Diaz mentions St James, but that he didn’t see it.
- Cortés – 300 men went in first.Then 2 more captains took 100 men as rear guard. Cortés + Cavalry went secretly to one side. As they marched they came upon marching Maya forces. Negotiations between the Capt of Artillery and Maya broke down. Battle – and volleys of arrows came in, hand to hand. Two hours before Cortés arrived from the woods and battled another hour, so thick no one could anyone else. But once they realized the cavalry was there they charged and the Maya fled (Cort 73).
- De Tapia – Heard mass and went out. Because of ditches Cortés took horses to the left along estuary to see about hiding in trees. Foot soldiers went straight down path. More nimble Maya made it tough at first. They were quickly surrounded.A horseman arrived and rallied.
- Ixtlilxichotl – Cortes lines up 500 Spanish, 13 horses, and artillery. 40,000 Maya attacked. St James appeared, but Cortes says it was St Peter his saint.60 wounded.
Aftermath of the Battle
- Gomara – 300 dead and many wounded Maya. 70 wounded Spaniards. Cortés released some prisoners with orders of forgiveness if they came to peace. (Gom 47)
- Diaz – 3 horsemen, 5 horses wounded, 2 dead, 70+ wounded. 5 captured Maya, 800 Maya lay dead, many groaning with mortal wounds. Describes savannah as littered with dead. Buried their dead, used fat of dead Maya to salve their wounds. Gave a speech to the captives and released them asking for the leaders to come and meet. Maya delivered 15 slaves, which were deemed not good enough.
- Cortés – After the Maya fled, the men rest in nearby farm houses. 20 wounded, no dead, 2 captives. Cortés sends the 2 Maya men back promising forgiveness if they come out peaceably. They returned to camp in Potonchan. (Cort 73).(Cort 73) 2 principal men arrive saying no more violence, would be vassals of the great king, 220 slain Maya. During questioning the men tell that the army was of 8 provinces and 40,000 men. Stayed 4-5 more days and received small amounts of gold.
- Ixtlilxichotl – 60 wounded Spanish. Built a cross in their temple, called it Victoria. Learned gold was in the West (Ixtlil 244).
- Built a cross and asked Maya to venerate it (Cort 74)(Diaz ). Founds La Victoria

Episode 2 Map – In this map we can see some of the cities and towns where Cortes spent his life, from Estremadura to Hispaniola and the Yucatan. Click on the icons to learn more. Cortes was a wealthy rancher, pig farmer and slave owner before conquest became his profession.
Episode 2 Credits
Written, produced and performed by Jeremy Lipps.
~ Music ~
Intro Coda, acoustic guitar by Valentin Sosnitskiy
Fuego de Mateo by downforthecount
Araucanian war song by downforthecount
guitar percussion by bangcorrupt
Daniel Birch,
Sustained Light
The Gates Are Locked
taiko drum sequence for looping the sacrifice by infinita08
intro by lost dream
~ Sound Effects ~
water-lapping by ceivh93
Barcelona street restaurants near Sagrada Familia by nimlos
horses muffled hooves on dirt by craigsmith_r
jungle-tropical-birds-and-insects by mikeypme
canoe in flooded forest by reinsamba
ambiance night wildlife by inspectorj
campfire sound by sterckxs
three cannon shots by originalmaja
timber tree falling by matt_beer
ambient battle noise swords and shouting by phranzen
pain schwester by repdac3
dog barking single by inspectorj
musket 2 shots by kmarz1
steps park by hannagreen
arrow cutting through the air by bruno auzet
walla cuban men yell bball1 natural by kyles
horse galloping by max headroom
mercado 05 by dobroide
horse snort by bruno auzet
horses jingle jangle by craigsmith_r
canadian horse running by vero marengere
All music was sourced from
Sound FX via