In Episode 7, Cortes enters the Mexica capital and is welcomed. But things quickly go bad and violence erupts.
Part 1 – Entering Tenochtitlan
Cortes, his Spanish soldiers and 4 or 5 thousand Tlaxcalan warriors enter Tenochtitlan along the causeway.
Part 2 – Meeting Moctezuma
Moctezuma emerges from the crowd to welcome Cortes to Tenochtitlan.
Part 3 – Guests in the Capital
The Spanish are welcomed and granted use of the Palace of Axayacatl, the former Tlatoani.
Part 4 – The Hostage Moctezuma
In one of history’s boldest moves, Cortes takes Moctezuma hostage in his own capital and begins to manipulate the empire.
Part 5 – Death of Cualpopoca
The indigenous chief of nautla, Cualpopoca is brought to Tenochtitlan for his own execution as a manipulation to undercut Moctezuma’s sincerity.
Part 6 – Narvaez Arrives on the Coast
A Spanish captain arrives to reign in Cortes, who will not go so easy.
Part 7 – Festival of Toxcatl
Pedro de ALvarado loses control of the capital and caves into his fears, attacking the heart of Mexica nobility.
Episode 7 Breakdown – Attack on Narvaez by Cortes
Cortes launches a sneak attack on Narvaez’s quarters in Cempoala. Below are notes from the accounts.
Cortes – Cortes entered Cempoala after midnight on the “feast of Pentecost” (Dates don’t line up – May 18, if Easter 1519 was March 30, seven Sundays later is May 18). One of two sentinels get away and alerts Narvaez. Despite being armed and ready Cortes manages to sneak into a main courtyard. The 80-man force stormed the main temple where Narvaez was quartered. They win out over his 50 man detail after the temple is set on fire. Cortes and his contingent stayed at the entrance and guarded against reinforcements. He ends up taking the 19 artillery pieces, and taking the soldiers prisoner, and then turning them to his side (Cort 125). Two killed in the fighting by a cannon. Cortes notes the city was basically destroyed at this point, having been plundered and fought in.
Cortes then sends 200 men each to Panuco, Coatzacoalcos and Vera Cruz, along with the ships. Cortes stays on in Cempoala until after 12 days he receives a letter from Tenochtitlan saying they were under siege.Cortes tallies 70 horsemen and 500 foot soldiers from Narvaez’s men.
Gomara – Left 200 under Pedro de Alvarado, took 250 including Juan V. de Leon’s men he met on way, plus 8-9 horses. Meets Duero on the way who passes on message that he needs to obey Narvaez to which Cortes said he’d rather die. Demands papers, orders Narvaez back to Cuba.
Aguilar – Cortes brought 150 of his fittest men and marched them to Cempoala where Narvaez was. They arrived at midnight and a lookout spotted them and bolted, sounding the alarm. They ducked under the artillery fire and none were hurt, others didn’t fire due to wet powder from rain. They soon took the artillery and that pretty much ended the confrontation quickly. Except for Narvaez who would not surrender and ended up knocked to the ground and losing an eye. Narvaez is arrested. A messenger arrives and says “Alvarado is in great danger, there has been a war”
Diaz – Says very little about it, other than it was a victory (Diaz 283).
Duran – Quickly took a cannon and then a fight broke out and apparently Narvaez lost his eye and was taken prisoner (Duran 534). Narvaez’s men joined Cortes and Narvaez was shipped back to Cuba. Cortes appeared to be on the way back to Tenochtitlan and got word of an attack on the Spanish, Duran calls this out as a falsehood by Alvarado to cover his attack.
Ixtlil – On way Cortes finds out Narvaez moved to Cempoala. Moves to attack and catches him off guard, losing only two men. After that most other men joined Cortes without much hesitation (Ixtlil 278).
Bernardino – Stayed in Tenochtitlan with 130 men and Alvarado.
DeTapia – By night attack: Two guards were approached, one was caught and spilled the beans, one guard got away as they neared and sounded the alarm. Cortes ordered some 80 men to make straight for the Captain’s quarters and seize or kill him. They cut the saddle straps on the horses which made them useless. They were able to get to Narvaez who had some artillery outside and about 30 men. They took it all and captured him. They also captured powder. This is the final entry of the De Tapia account.

Episode 7 Credits
Written, researched, performed and produced by Jeremy Lipps.
~ Music ~
Fuego de Mateo by downforthecount
Away by Meydän
Surreal Forrest by Meydän
Daniel Birch,
Sustained Light
The Gates Are Locked
guitar percussion by bangcorrupt
Fourth Imaginary City by cryptic scenery
Infinite Taiko Drum Sequence by Infinita08
~ Sound Effects ~
jungle tropical birds and insects by mikevpme
rumble loop by unfa
horses by arnaud coutander
walk on dirt road by mikeypme
horse snort by bruno auzet
horses whinnying by leandiviljoen
ancient old time battle combat horses snorting… by ylearkisto
stones falling by iwanPlays
orest stream between mekhanizatorov settlement and akhtyrka vilage moscow region by halfofthesky
water-lapping by ceivh93
soft wind by florianreichelt
fire 2 by pushtobreak
horse whinny by inspectorj
coopers hawk by blimp66
walking2-gravel by tec-studio